One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing your letter and statement printing and processes is that it can save you an enormous amount of time. Many of our clients come to us with printing and processing strategies that are simply not as efficient as they could be: employees gathered in a conference room once or twice a month, folding and stuffing envelopes, surrounded by seemingly endless stacks of paper.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

At Towne Mailer, we have a fleet of machinery that is specifically built to automate many of the jobs related to processing, and mailing letters, from printing and perforating paper to folding and stuffing documents. We can accomplish in just a few minutes what can take your employees hours of dull work.

The End of Paper Cuts & Wasted Time: Folding Machines

Towne mailer has a number of devices that make it possible for us to save our clients time and money while processing their statements, invoices, and letters. Two of the most vital machines in our shop are our pair of folding machines.

A folding machine does exactly what it sounds like: You insert paper into the device and it tri-folds each piece into standard envelope size, collating each resulting piece. The programmable machine can fold up to five-page letters and can process over 1,000 in an hour. A programming feature allows us to save and recall frequent folding jobs, saving even more time.

No more paper cuts.

No more conference room letter parties.

No more wasted employee hours.

The Biggest Benefits of Folding Machines & Towne Mailer: Saving Time and Money

Sending your printing and mailing jobs to Towne Mailer means that your employees who are capable of much more than folding paper into thirds can return to working on more challenging and profitable tasks. At the same time, since we specialize in printing, processing, and mailing letters, we can do the job for you for less money than it was costing you in-house.

Request A Free Quote From Towne Mailer

Folding machines can be a smart, wonderful way to save time on your mail processing, but they are also a considerable up-front cost. In addition, they can take up significant room in your office and still require knowledgeable employees to run them.

Enter Towne Mailer. We are poised and ready to go with our machinery and our team of mail processing experts. We have the space, time, knowledge, and equipment to get your statements, bills, invoices, and letters out quickly and accurately. Most businesses who mail more than 200 pieces of mail each month can save money by using our services. Contact us today by calling 877.882.6245 for a free quote–and learn exactly how much you can save.